The golf course itself is key, but the golfer’s experience begins and ends with the facilities. So Cornerstone’s golf facility management insights on operating, maintaining, and sometimes enhancing your facilities are often part of the solution. We know how to make them work, make them pay, and when necessary, how to improve them.
What Can Our Golf Academy Help You With?
A big part of the appeal of the game of golf is that it is both incredibly accessible as well as tremendously challenging.
It isn’t at all that difficult to get your hands on a set of clubs and some balls and play a couple of rounds at a local course, but actually learning the game of golf – and learning how to drop your scores significantly – is anything but easy or effortless.
That’s where a proper golf academy comes into play. Providing new players as well as more experienced veterans the opportunity to learn, to develop their game, and to improve under close supervision and tutelage, the right golf Academy can help to significantly boost your game faster than you ever would have been able to alone.
Looking to get ready for a golf tournament or just want to improve your weekly scores?
A lot of people take advantage of golf academy options when they are looking to “sharpen the edge”, so to speak, and preparing for a tournament.
Professionals and amateurs alike (all of all skill levels across the board) can always benefit from the lessons provided by experts that understand the game, experts that have been trained to teach, and experts that know exactly how to get the most out of those that they are instructing.
If you need to boost your game quickly before a major tournament – or are just looking to improve the score that you card from week to week, you’re going to want to make sure that you visit a golf academy ASAP!
Golf academy solutions (including PGA golf academy solutions) are going to help almost every single facet of your game. You’ll be able to get help with:
- The mental aspect of the game, learning how to deal with pressure, adversity, and challenges that have nothing to do with your swing but everything to do with your score
- The physical aspect of the game, learning how to better control your body, your strength, your speed, and the way you swing
- Swing doctors that will be able to help you work out any and all hitches, kinks, and odd movements during your drive, iron play, or with your wages to get a little bit more consistency out of your plan
- Putting secrets that will not only help you read greens more efficiently, but also help you better maneuver the flat stick in your bag
…and that only barely begins to scratch the surface of how these academies will be able to help you specifically.
Contact our golf academy today to learn more
To learn a little bit more about the golf academy solutions we will be able to assist you with, or to learn about how these academy sessions can boost your game, you’ll want to contact us today.
An Intelligent Marketing Plan Will Boost Your Business
The success and failure of your golf course is going to come down to the same two elements that the success and failure of ALL business ventures have in common – marketing and advertising.
Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of people in business (the golf business and every other industry) really struggle when it comes to putting together a proper marketing and advertising plan that works. When you choose to avail yourself of our golf course marketing plan consulting services that isn’t going to be a problem any longer.
No more slow days at your golf facility
The secret to keeping your golf facility fully booked on a regular basis is to understand the fundamentals of marketing – understanding your perfect prospect, crafting the perfect marketing message, and using the appropriate marketing medium to reach them in large enough quantities to result in a positive return on investment.
Though that sounds like a rather simple and straightforward answer to a very complex issue, when marketing is boiled down to its essential elements, that’s exactly what it’s all about.
With the right golf course marketing plan, you’ll be able to put slow days behind you and run your marketing and advertising almost on autopilot.
Of course, you’re going to need to create an intelligent golf course marketing plan that helps you boost your business almost overnight.
You’re going to need to think about:
- Who your ideal prospect is
- Where you are going to find them
- How you are going to reach them and
- How you are going to attract them to your course
This is the real “secret sauce” of golf course marketing, and the major difference between golf facilities and clubs that are tremendous successes and those that have a real tough time keeping the doors open.
Critical details smart golf course marketing plans include
We are going to be able to provide you with a complete golf course marketing plan that not only provides you with a steady supply of players looking to enjoy your course (and play your green fees), but also to:
- Spend more at your Pro shop, restaurant, and bar
- Sign up for your annual memberships and tournaments
- Bring paying guests with them
…and take advantage of other profit producing activities!
Smart marketing can turn around and golf course faster than anything else.
Take advantage of our golf course marketing services ASAP
All you have to do to learn more about how we can help you transform your golf course marketing is contact our office today and speak to one of our representatives.
We will be able to share with you some inside information and industry secrets that you may not have been aware of, and we’ll also be able to help you come up with a more appropriate marketing plan that boosts your business faster than you ever would have thought possible.
Golf Course Employment Doesn’t Have to be so Challenging
Each and every single one of the members of your golf course staff are going to represent your club, your course, and everything that you stand for.
This is why it is so critically important to move forward with an intelligently designed golf course staffing plan, and why you need to follow the business axiom of “hire slowly and fire quickly” until you are able to create the kind of professional staff you need to establish the golf operation that best represents your culture and your vision.
It is a real challenge for a lot of golf courses, country clubs, and other golf facilities to find the right staff, regardless of the approach that they take.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t have to be anywhere near as challenging as a line of these operations make it out to be.
Yes, a lot of research and consideration has to go into the golf course staffing plan you are working on establishing, but once that plan has been put together – with the help of experts like our own – you’re going to be able to run off of this playbook whenever you have to hire staff and will be confident in the results.
The importance in creating a golf course staffing plan
By putting together a golf course staffing plan, you are going to be able to effortlessly move through all of the candidates to join your staff with a hiring process that is fair, balanced, and designed to make sure that you hire only those that will contribute beneficially to your club or your operation.
Because these new individuals (every level) are going to be brand ambassadors and representatives of your club they need to be the very best of the best, but they also need to be trained appropriately so that they understand how valuable they are in the grand scheme of things and how important they are to your continued success.
Take advantage of our staffing plan services to move forward towards success
By choosing to take advantage of the staffing plan services we are able to provide, you are going to be able to dramatically streamline the hiring process without wasting any time or extra effort.
You’re going to be able to hire more efficiently, more effectively, and more confidently. It really doesn’t get any easier than this!
Get in touch with our consultants to help you with all your staffing needs
To learn a little bit more about all of the help we are able to provide when it comes to staffing, training, and planning, simply contact us at your earliest convenience. We are here to answer any and all questions you may have on golf employment!
The Value of Having a Restaurant at Your Golf Facility
There is a reason why the overwhelming majority of golf facilities and clubs have some kind of restaurant or food and drink operation. Savvy course owners understand that there is real potential for profit in these kinds of operations, and that an intelligently run and managed restaurant facility can transform the bottom line of any course, club, or facility.
Of course, proper golf restaurant management is absolutely essential to the success of its profitability. There are a lot of differences between a traditional restaurant or food and drink service and those that are run by country clubs and golf courses. Unless you know exactly what you’re doing (or have help every step of the way) you run the risk of creating a profit-eating monster in these restaurants as opposed to another source of revenue.
By adding a restaurant to your golf facility, you are taking advantage of another pocket of profit that simply wouldn’t have existed previously.
Even if only 50% of your golfers spend any amount of time in your restaurant or at your bar, that is a significant improvement on your overall customer value. This will allow you to keep green fees low and competitive while at the same time knowing that you’re going to be able to make up a significant amount of that profit on the backend at these restaurant facilities.
Putting together a golf restaurant management program is easier than you may think
At the same time, there is a reason why the restaurants are so challenging to build as businesses. You really need to be on top of your game, you need to understand the in’s and out’s of this industry, and you need to keep things as simple and as straightforward as possible to maximize your chances of success.
This is where golf restaurant management from services like our own comes into play.
Take advantage of our “hands-free” golf restaurant management services
By choosing to take advantage of the golf restaurant management services we are able to offer, you can put this profit generating part of your operation on autopilot.
We understand exactly what it takes to create a wonderful food and drink experience at your golf club or facility without having it threaten to override your budget, and we understand exactly what you have to do to have this operation turning a profit almost from day one.
Better than that though, is the fact that we will be able to handle all of the heavy lifting as far as your golf restaurant management is concerned. You’ll enjoy all of the benefits without having to put in any of the effort!
Contact us at your earliest convenience!
To discover a little bit more about how we can help you improve this pocket of profit simply contact us today. We will be able to share with you some inside information that will make your restaurant or food and drink service a lot more profitable right off the bat!
Golf Training Programs Make it Easier to Get into the Game
The beautiful game of golf is only going to continue to grow as long as golf player development programs exist to not only make the game more accessible but to also make the game a lot more fun.
Make no mistake about it – the game of golf is exciting, frustrating, exhilarating, and challenging all because of the rich tradition it has to offer but also because of the skills necessary to compete at a high level.
It also doesn’t hurt that there is no “conquering” golf. This is the kind of game that you can enjoy your entire life, always hoping to shoot a better score than you did the last time out.
Not only are top quality golf clubs, balls, and other pieces of equipment a lot less expensive advantage used to be (comparatively, anyway), but golf player development program solutions – like the ones that we offer – help new golfers get into the game without the worry or fear of not knowing how to get started in the first place.
These golf training program solutions allow new players (and even more established players looking to improve) really hit the ground running.
Offering a golf player development program can transform your facility
By offering a golf training program or golf exercise program at your facility, you’re going to be able to transform your course into the “go to” place to play for those that want to get started in this exciting sport.
There may not be a better way to grow your course in the area and becoming the number one facility for those that want to get into the game learn how to do exactly that.
Here are some of the things our golf training program will showcase
The Basics of Golf – Not only will this golf player development program teach you the fundamentals of the golf game, but you’ll also learn important traditions, rules, and golf etiquette
Hitting It Close -The entire point of golf is to hit a small golf ball into a small hole hundreds of yards away, and you’re only going to be able to do that when you know exactly how to hit it close. This will teach you the fundamentals of the short game
Secrets of the Effortless Golf Swing – You need to be able to repeat a simple and straightforward swing if you are going to have any chance of success on the course
Driving School -There are only a handful of things as exciting as really putting together a beautiful drive (maybe with a nice tight draw) that lands hundreds of yards away from the tee box
Putting It All Together – When you’re going to be able to show you how to put all of the puzzle pieces together so that you can really start to dominate the game of golf faster than you would have been able to before
Here’s how to take advantage of our programs
To learn a little bit more about the golf player development program, the golf training program, or the golf exercise program solutions we make available here at Cornerstone, contact us at your earliest possible convenience.
Protecting Environmentally Sensitive Areas
Cornerstone Golf Partners, Inc. is keenly aware of what impact we may have on the environment and our responsibility to ensure that our impact is a positive one. Cornerstone Golf Partners, Inc. has experience on a variety of golf courses with different environmental conditions ranging from wetlands and fresh water lakes to native grass areas and public parklands. All of our courses serve as a habitat for all types of wildlife and plant species. Cornerstone Golf Partners, Inc. will utilize all available methods to ensure that the various environmental concerns of all golf courses are protected.
We will use Best Management Practices (BMP’s) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to create a wonderful playing experience for our guests while protecting environmentally sensitive areas on the properties. Some of these methods include:
- Creating buffers along the edges of lakes and waterways where chemicals and fertilizers will not be applied.
- Keeping all machinery out of wetland environments and maintaining those areas through hand work only.
- Implementing erosion control methods when disturbing areas during projects.
- Maintaining a healthy stand of turf grass which is the best environmental protection.
- Controlling water usage through irrigation outputs to maintain a dry, firm playing surface while protecting our most precious resource.
- Encouraging wildlife inhabitation of the courses by creating natural areas and buffers.
- Properly storing chemicals and fertilizers.
- Getting yearly inspections of chemical mixing areas, equipment wash areas, and pesticide application records from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.
- Properly disposing of used oil, tires, and hazardous waste materials.
- Being environmentally conscious when choosing equipment and products to be used on the golf courses.
Golf Carts are Critical Assets for your Golf Course
Even though you won’t ever be able to find a professional in a tournament riding a golf cart, that doesn’t mean that you can allow your golf cart management procedures and systems to fall by the wayside.
In fact, the overwhelming majority of golfers today are going to request a golf cart, even if they intend only to play nine holes. You’re going to need to make sure that your golf cart management is up to par command that you have a full fleet of carts that are ready to provide all of your golfers with a top-tier experience.
There are a number of ways you can better manage these assets with proper golf cart management systems in place
Even though golf carts themselves are relatively simple and straightforward pieces of technology, managing an entire fleet is nowhere near as simple or as straightforward as it might appear on the surface.
With proper golf cart fleet management and golf cart management systems in place, you’re going to know exactly how each of your carts are performing, how each of your carts are doing as far as maintenance and repairs are concerned, and how much money each individual cart is making you on a per annum basis.
Here’s how we’re going to be able to help you with golf cart fleet management services
We are going to be able to help you better deploy each and every one of the golf carts that you have in your fleet, all by offering the following services (and more):
- Help you purchase new or preowned golf carts at price points that are very friendly
- Help you select the right “power plant” for your new golf cart fleet to improve your running costs
- Give you a detailed breakdown about the health of your current golf cart fleet and any upgrade strategies that would prove useful
…and so much more!
Because your carts are so critical to your day to day operations, and because there is so much more to think about when it comes to managing and running a fleet of carts (from maintaining them to storing them, and everything in between), it’s important that you really knock your golf cart management right out of the park (so to speak).
Contact us for a free consultation today!
If you would like to learn a little bit more about how we can help you with your golf cart management systems and procedures, or to help you establish new systems and procedures, contact us at your earliest convenience.
Let Us Be Your Golf Course Management ‘Caddy’
It’s important to remember that the course layout and difficulty itself isn’t going to be the only determining factor that plays a role in how enjoyable the golf experience is for all of your members and guests.
While it’s going to play a major part in how happy these golfers are (and ultimately in how successful your golf venture is), you’re going to need to make sure that your golf course management is also taken care of to support the course and your players. This, sadly, is where a lot of golf operations drop the ball (so to speak). Thankfully, this is exactly where we here at Cornerstone Golf Partners are going to be able to help out!
If your course needs help, you aren’t alone!
The overwhelming majority of golf courses and operations here in the US are having a tough time growing their business as effortlessly as they did in the past.
The economy took a downturn, the game of golf has been boomeranging back after the high of Tiger Mania, and people are leaving the game because of negative experiences.
But things are getting better and brighter every day.
It’s going to be up to you – and your golf course management skills and abilities – to grow your business in the face of adversity and these challenges, and we’re going to be there to help!
There are a number of areas that golf course management encompasses, and we have the people and skilled professionals in place to help your business really take off.
We understand the sport, we understand the player, and we understand the business side of things – three facets necessary to master when it comes to building a thriving golf operation.
Here are a couple of things we may be able to help you with
- Your golf business lives and dies based off of your staff
We can help make sure that each of your staff members – from the top down – are well trained to provide a top tier golf experience - Course management is essential, especially when it comes to battling Mother Nature
It’s critical that you keep your course looking beautiful, but the economics need to be kept in line as well – we can help - Food and beverage sales can really help add to your bottom line
These sales are going to be critical to your revenue and can represent a significant portion of your bottom line profits - Your pro shop and your lessons can be hidden pockets of profits
There are a lot of hidden pockets of profits hidden in every golf operation, and the right golf course management approach can unlock what essentially boils down to found funds…and that’s only the tip of the iceberg!
Your Pro Shop Has Profit Potential You May Be Overlooking
Almost every golf course on the planet has one, but the overwhelming majority of golf shops (or pro shops) are, to put it bluntly, incredibly underwhelming. Many of them are “tacked on” operations that most golf course owners include just because they feel they are supposed to, and many of them are simply not as critical a part of the profit producing operation as they could be. That’s all going to change when you avail yourself of the golf shop management services we’re able to provide you here at Cornerstone.
While you’re likely going to be overjoyed at the occasional sale that you’re able to get from your pro shop, as it sits today, there’s a fantastic chance that you’re losing out on A LOT of profits that are just ripe for the taking.
With the proper golf shop management in place (the kind of management help we can assist with), you’ll be able to unlock all of that potential almost overnight – without having to change up your operations too much.
Here’s how to square off (successfully) against all competitors
There are a number of reasons that most golf courses and businesses aren’t really expecting that much from their pro shop, but the biggest reason has to be the boogeyman in the room – the internet.
Because it’s so easy to find great deals online, and because it’s so tough to compete with these bargain prices, many businesses have given up hope of transforming their shop into a real profit producer.
That would be a mistake!
We will be able to show you a number of strategies and tactics that will help you crush the competition (locally as well as on the web) in ways you never thought possible.
We can help you with these specialty golf shop management services
Not only are we going to be able to help you boost the profits that you get out of your shop with our golf shop management assistance, but we’re also going to be able to help you:
- Streamline inventory management
- Improve staffing and employment
- Speed up the hiring process
…and that only begins to scratch the surface.
Contact us today!
If you’re serious about unlocking all of the potential that your golf shop has to offer, we can help.
Just drop us a line at your earliest convenience and we’ll share some insider information with you that might help turn things around almost overnight. We’re happy to help you design the best golf shop management plan possible!